We wanted to draw your attention to an event that the Conservative Women’s Organisation (CWO) is holding on Wednesday 22 July 2020.
The CWO want to encourage more women to put themselves forward for office at all levels of the Party – this Party, more than any other, is a meritocracy, but so often women are less likely to put themselves forward because they don’t know what is involved, or because they don’t believe they have the requisite skills. This particular event is designed to encourage more women to stand as Councillors in Yorkshire and beyond.
Men and women are all welcome, but you must sign up as a member of the CWO first and be a Party member. CWO membership is free.
Debbie Toon the South Yorkshire Area Chair and Stewart Harper the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Chair will both be speaking at the event together with a number of Conservative Yorkshire Councillors.
Please consider joining the CWO (men and women can join) and participating in this event.